The United States is grappling with economic challenges, including an aging population and a diminishing workforce. A recent report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) sheds light on how immigration could serve as a solution to these issues. This blog post delves into the key findings of the report and explores the potential impact of increased immigration on the US economy. The CBO Projections: The CBO projects a surge in immigration starting in 2022 and continuing through 2026. This influx is anticipated to result in a larger and younger workforce, providing a promising solution to the demographic challenges faced by the nation. Economic Boost and GDP Growth: The report suggests that the growth in immigration is poised to stimulate economic output and contribute to GDP growth. A rejuvenated workforce is seen as a driving force behind the anticipated economic expansion. Long-Term Productivity Gains: Beyond the immediate economic benefits, the CBO predicts long-term gai...